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My daughter just came in my room.  The cat's backside has some blood (not a lot).  Is she in early labor?  What do I watch for?  I have had cats for most of my life, but have never really observed this.  Kitty is not in any apparent pain, and is happy to wander around, and then retreats under the bed this morning.  She is far enough along in weeks to be having her kittens.  Thanks

Whether she is in labor or not is not easily apparent from the sign of blood. I would need to know a lot more about this. Call your vet and give him all pertinent info to be sure. However, if more real red blood appears or she seems ill, run to the vet at once.

If it is the beginning of labor, look for her to lose her water and begin searching for a cubby hole in which to have her babies.  

In any case, if you are worried, the best solution is to CALL the vet!!
