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stray kitten


Hello Barbara,
it all started a day or two back when a very cute and affectionate two month old male cat almost knocked my door. It is apparently a stray and has taken quiet a fancy to my family. we feed it as it is very thin. the problem is that we live in a tiny flat and already have two cats. we cannot have a third one. Much as we love animals, we cannot take it indoors. There are no animal shelters for cats in Poona(India) where I stay. we feel sorry every single time the poor creature sits and meows outside the door. are there any other options through which the kitten can be made more comfortable? can we take it indoors only for feeding it?  please help!

I am afraid that you will have to let your conscience answer this question, as there does not seem to be many alternatives. Of course, you can feed it. Maybe you can get it altered to make it more comfortable. Perhaps you can ask a friend or neighbor to take it in. However, there is nothing that I can tell you, that you can not decide for yourself.

Good luck,