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pregnant or not?


QUESTION: Hello, We have a beautiful 15 month blue point, Himalayan female. She came into heat to heat about 5 1/2 weeks ago. The sire came to stay with us for about 5 days. This was her first heat. She has acted different,more affectionate. But no pinkning. I would assume she would start showing or go back in to heat. Is it possible she wouldn't pink up or have a noticeable swelling by know and still be pregnant? We are first time breeders and can use a little guidance. Thank you so much:)

ANSWER: Hello--
If your girl's nipples are not bright pink by now, and she is not gaining weight, in all probability she is not pregnant.  Your vet should be able to palpate kittens at this stage of the pregnancy.  Pinking up occurs on day 21 after a successful breeding has taken place.  Your vet can also do an ultrasound and should be able to pick out any kittens by now also.  An xray will not show anything until about day 59 as kittens' skulls will not have calcified enough to show up until then.  Cats breed frequently once they get started, so unless you heard matings taking place, based on what you've told me, I would assume she will probably go back into season in another 4 weeks or so.

Let me know if I can help further.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Lori, You were right she wasn't pregnant. I'm starting to get concerned she hasn't gone back into heat since almost 10 weeks. Is this normal? I'm wondering if she could be sterile. We used the same stud 2 weeks later and our other cat is due very soon. If she is we will fix her and keep her as a pet. Shes such a sweet cat. How many attempts should make before having her spayed?

She's young.  I would try at least 3 times before giving up.  She should be coming back into season soon....I would guess within the next 2 to 3 weeks.  This time of year girls start cycling more frequently as the longer the days get, the more likely they are to come in.  I have a girl that didn't get pregnant until she was almost 3.  I had just about given up on her when she finally delivered a litter.  I definitely wouldn't give up just yet.