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Mainecoon Cats



So my Maine had 6 kittens on April 8, 2008.  4 survived, and are perfect!  Anyway, I was a little short on cash to get one of the make or female fixed until about one month later.  I kept them apart as much as possible.  I am starting to think that she could be pregnant again.  She has had diarrhea for 3 weeks now, although she is consuming PLENTY of water.  She is not acting sick.  I thought I felt something in her belly, but again, I could just be being paranoid.  What should I do?  Could she be pregnant?  IS it safe if she is?  Please let me know anything that you think could help me!


Hi Mandy
I am not sure that she could become pregnant that soon after delivery, it usually takes about three to four weeks before she is receptive again, however that is usually not necessarily the case.
The fact that she has diahorrea suggests that she has an infection and should be taken to the vets for a check up. She may have some intestinal bug and this could cause problems if she is still feeding the kiitens.
If she is pregnant that there is no problem for her but you can check and see if her nipples are hard and not giving milk.

Hope this helps
