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fear of cats


Hi! I am a 25 year old girl who adores all animals. So far I have a 1 year old Golden Retriever doggie and two 5 month old bunnies. We have a friend who owns a beautiful persian cat, this is the most quiet, sweet and affectionate cat I have ever met. She never bites or scratches even if the woman's little son likes playing rough with her. This cat has had kittens and my boyfriend (we live toguether) absolutely wants to get a female kitten. My friend told me she will give me the most quiet one, but I am very afraid of cats since as a little girl I saw a cat from the street atacking my aunt without any reason. Is it any possibility of educating the kitten not to bite and scratch us? Is it true that cats smell people's fear? I would really like to have a cat like my friend's so sweet and calm, but I will not be able to put up with an agressive one. I am even afraid to pass near a cat. Is there any useful tip to educate a kitten to be calm and affectionate? My boyfriend thinks that owing a cat would be good for me to overcome my fear. Could you help?
Thanks a lot

If the lady is sure that both parents of the kittens are sweet and gentle, it is probable that the kitten will be that way too. However, you must always approach her with love and kindness. That is what will make sure the she will respond in kind. Training a cat must alway be done with firmness but kindness. Baby cats may nibble but will rarely attack. you must always be gentle  to her and she will be gentle too.
