Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > Cat Show

Cat Show


Hello, next week I am going to get my first show kitten- a black and white Persian male. In your experience, have you found out it is better to own your own show cage or use the ones found at the show? Also, how important is flamboyant show curtains? Does it make a difference in the judge's scoring or is simply for decoration? Thank you.

Dear Katy

I assume you will be showing either CFA or TICA.  Both show formats mean that you take your cat from your pen to the ring and the judge doesn't actually see your show cage.

I show in the UK with both TICA and GCCF which are two totally different types of show and I do prefer TICA because you can use your own cage.  Of course they are not necessarily very cheap but if you go to quite a few shows then it becomes quite cost effective.  

The plus side to having your own cage is that you can be sure no other cat has been in it, it will have your own smells and the cat's own smell and you can take it home and wash it (if it is the type that can be folded into the washing machine, such as a Sturdi).  

If you use the metal cages supplied by the show then it is recommended to take some disinfectant in a small container and wipe the cage with a cloth before putting your own curtains in.  As to how much decoration you use, then that is a personal preference and you may want to give consideration to colour to show your cat off to the public and also decide on what bed you may want to put in there.  

If this show is to be a test to see if you like it, then it may be worth using a cage supplied by the show and if you enjoy the show, then go ahead and buy your own.

Enjoy your kitten and your first show.

