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Whos Peeing & Why?


This, I believe, is a bit more complicated than your usual bad cat behavior question. You see, last year I got married and around October 2003 we merged our three cats (two mine, one my wife's) and I thought things were going just about as well as could be expected. Her prized cat, a female now about 13 and in somewhat failing health, had to deal with my two cats--including a large 18-lb. 12-year-old lovable but somewhat pushy male--invading her domain (as we've temporarily merged households in my wife's condo). While there have been occasional bad incidents, mostly on the part of my male (including his initially deciding to mark his territory inside), I've tended to dismiss them as learning situations. But now, within the last few weeks, we've woken up twice to cat pee on/in/near the foot of the bed--including on the edges of the covers, sheets, cat blanket, cat mats and floor. While we haven't actually seen anyone doing it my wife's sure it's my big male possibly acting up since she's seen and I've heard him trying to rake over it with his paw. We fear it could also be that he's developing diabetes due to his weight problem. I, on the other hand, am not so sure. Could it be her female with the ailing kidneys losing control--and possibly my male then coming along and adding his wee to it as well--or...? Since our third cat, a smaller female, doesn't spend as much time in the bedroom we're fairly sure it isn't her but, on the other hand, she has had trouble peeing once or twice before to the point we feared she had systitus(sp?). In any event, how would you advise us to proceed both in figuring out what's going on with our cats and what to do with our peed on covers, sheets, cat blanket and cat mats? Also, do you have any theories on what might be causing this situation (based on what I've told you so far)? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

I suggest that you take all of the suspect cats to the vet and have them checked for urinary infections. Do urinalysis on them all.
What you do after that depends on what the vet learns.
If they are all normal, which I doubt, then you can keep them out of the bedroom at night. Later take the peed on laundry and wash it using a good bleach and laundry detergent.
