Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > i just want to know more about my cats

i just want to know more about my cats



my two cats
Hi Marcia...
I have two cats a male and a female cat I just want to know that is my male cat a himalayan cat and is my female cat a Turkish angora?
And I want to have some information about them and I how train my both cats
And there health issue
Please replay soon


Dear Reem

I can definitely say that neither cat is a Himalyan and from the picture I would say the girl is not a Turkish Angora .  The male does not have the right had for a Turkish Angora though the eye colour could be, but it is also common to other cats.  If they were sold to you as pedigrees they should have had a pedigree and registration details.

I am not sure what you mean about training them.


Marcia Owen