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Cat C-section


Hi Marcia
My bengal queen gave birth to the first kitten at 2am on saturday, all was fine until she accidentaly hurt the baby and his intestines came out. We rushed them to the emergency vet to see if they could save them and unfortunately they couldn't. The vet advised giving mum a c-section to get the other kittens out as two hours had passed since the last one was born (as she wasn't struggling or pushing heavily i didn't think this was a problem as have read so many stories where cats can take hours to give birth. Just because my Ragdolls deliver 5 in 80 minutes, i knew all cats aren't that quick!).
As she had a c-section does she now need to be spayed? If so, should this have been done at the same time?
The first kitten came out quickly and i don't think she had any difficulty passing him.
She is still spotting a small amount of blood too - i've read this is normal, but i don't know how normal considering she only gave birth to one kitten.
Sorry for such a long post!! :o)

Hi Jess

Sorry to hear you have had problems and that your girl had to have a c.section.  It is always a difficult choice as to whether you wait to see if she has them later on (some can have them hours later, some even 24/48 hours after) or to go in and make sure the others are saved.  Anyway, no she doesn't necessarily need to be spayed after 1 c.section, especially as she did pass one kitten on her own.  If she had to have a c.section next time then yes I would say she should be spayed then.

It is normal for them to spot small amounts of blood which could happen for up to a week.  However do make sure that it is only occasion spots and not large amounts.  If that does happen, then take her back to the vet as they can give her an oxytocin injection which will help to close down any blood vessels which may be bleeding.  

You didn't say if you have any live kittens from it all and I do hope you have and if so just relax now and enjoy them.
