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cat breeding


hi i have a gourgeous persian x ragdoll and when hes older am wanting to breed him he it white and grey,which breed is best to breed him with another ragdoll x persian? or a purebred ragdoll or persian and which colour would be best? what age can they start breeding at?
Thanks cant wait for your answer :)

Dear Alana

If your boy is part of a planned outcrossing programme then you need to mate him to the breed that you are aiming at helping.  If however he is not then I would suggest he is neutered.  If the latter is the case then he has no doubt been sold to you as a pet and should be treated as such.

Unneutered boys kept in the house do tend to spray and make the house very smelly so unless you are set up for that sort of thing and wish to contain him in one room, then you may find it very difficult to live with.

If you have bought your boy as part of an outcrossing programme then you need to go back to his breeder for advice as to which way you should be going from here.

