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Siamese/Ragdoll Overdue?


QUESTION: She is 2 1/2 yrs old, first litter for her, she got pregnant on feb 2 or 3. 65/66 days was wednesday. So she is 67/68 days today. She has been searching for somewhere, nesting, for 1-2 wks now. She doesnt seem happy with any location, even when I help her and provide her with out of the way, darker, private areas. It's like she cant make up her mind, so I eliminated spots she seemed less interested in. She is now cureently going back and forth almost constantly between the bottom of my bed under the sheets (NOT a spot that I gave as an option either lol - my husband will be pissed), and the nesting box in my closet. She loves our room, always has, that's why I tried to create space for her in here. There is less activity(babies) today only, but no show of any sort, no contractions, she is purring like mad, this is her 1st litter. Siamese can go up to 71 days but she's only 1/2 Siamese. It's the long weekend. No vet right now. She's only carrying a 2-3. Her temp is still over 100 F as all along. She seems to be constantly searching for a spot. I've never had this prob before, the queen takes to any spot provided or has picked. I dont know how to help her anymore than what I have, to help make her content. You can see her whole body move when she breathes in & out, though she isnt raspy. She's different from my other cats. And she wants to be almost constantly with me, which is ok with me.
She used to sleep in my dresser drawers when she was younger (she could open them), she is constantly looking at the drawers & trying to get in, or just like she is - staring at them. But she is unable to fit now that she is an adult & especially pregnant. I tried already.
Any suggestions?


It does sound as if she could be very near to having them, especially if the kittens are not so active now.  

When you know she is starting, then guide her to a box that you would prefer her to use and try not to leave her until she has had at least one kitten.  I find that once they have a kitten, they tend to settle better in the box that I have chosen.  Up to that point I find that they look at all and every possible place as a potential bed but settle afterwards, though it is always a good idea to let them have a choice of boxes in the kitten room so that they can move them to another bed should the mood take them.  

At the moment she doesn't really know what is happening which is why she is so unsettled.  Keep an eye on her.  Of course cats don't always pick the most convenient times to kitten and its always an anxious time over a long weekend.  Hopefully your vet has an emergency service anyway.  I'm not sure where you are, but in the UK it is a requirement for a vet practice, to provide or make arrangements with another practice for 24 hour emergency cover.

Try to relax yourself a little as I can feel you are anxious and you don't want to transmit that to your girl.  Try to go with the flow a little and just be there for your girl.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am under stress too. We just got a cat 2 days ago whom is crapping out blood - streaked, not pooled. I see no worms, though I guess you can only see 2 of the 4 worms. She's super skinny, you can see every bone, she's a siamese but I knew the deal was too good to be true. I didnt want her with my Queen being due anytime, but my husband insisted. Now I'm scared whatever she has, has been transmitted to other cats or children in our house. We have separated her now, but it's been 2 days with her loose. We only noticed because my husband cleans the litter boxes every day, and we had just seen her in the litter box. Then checked her anus and there was slight blood there. But she's not bleeding out. She's 1 1/2 yrs old and weighs about 3 lbs. I cant get her to a vet until tuesday, and I'm really stressed about this. Why on a long weekend?!?!?!?!?! I hope it's worms, then the other cats likely will be okay, but then my kids have a chance of having gotten them since she slept on two of their beds. What a mistake we made!!!! The previous owner wont get back to me either. Funny how that works. If the cat has something other than worms, then I fear our cats & dog are at risk and have gotten something already. This is just not a good day at all!

Oh dear you are having a bad time.

Now just take a few breaths and relax for a minute.  I suspect that the new Siamese may be suffering from as much stress as you from the change of house.  She may have something called IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) which though called Disease is not actually that.  It is an auto immune problem that is not infectious.  Of course you can't rule out worms but I don't think worms cause bleeding which you say she has, especially in the way you describe it.  You are doing the right thing in keeping her separate and even if the other animals in the house have caught worms from her, these can easily be treated by your vet after the weekend.  It won't affect your queen that quickly and she can be treated in a week or so time. Its also not going to be a problem for your children to have caught them as you can have a word with your doctor after the weekend.  Any small infestation in that time can be dealt with very easily.

OK now concentrate on your pregnant girl and get your husband to look to the new girl.  Try to relax for your pregnant girl's sake and enjoy having the kittens.  If its any comfort to you, my first litter of kittens (30+ years ago) had worms which might have come with their mother when I bought her as a kitten.  We didn't have such good treatments or the same knowledge that there is now and I never caught anything and we were able to treat the worms very easily.  We are all learning all the time.
