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buying a purebred kitten


i was wondering what kind of questions a breeder should ask you before you buy a kitten from them?

Hi Jackie--
I apologize for the delay in responding.  Most breeders screen prospective "parents" for their kittens very closely.  They want to make certain they are not placing a kitten in a situation that would be detrimental to either the kitten or the family.  They will probably ask if there are children in the home and their ages, if there are other pets, your feelings on declawing or letting your cats outside.  Basically, you should expect to answer as many questions from the breeder as you have questions for them.  If you experience a breeder that has little or no interaction or questions for you, you may want to check with other people who have purchased from them to see their opinion of the breeder's "after sale" services.  Let me know if I can answer anything else for you!