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Feline Labor


My cat is 8 months old and she is pregnant. I am wondering what signs I should be aware of that indicates labor and delivery getting ready to begin.

Well April
The usual period is 65 days from mating, so you should start to pay attention at around 63 days onwards.
She will start to be broody, looking for a nest somewhere quiet and out of the way. If you have a nest box, encourage her to go there, or set up a kitten room with her bedding in it.

When she is about to go into labour she will go into her nest and settle down on her side and start to lick. You should see what is called a show a slight bulge around her vagina and there may be a plug expelled. This is the protection she has for her womb to prevent any foreign bodies entering it.

Then she will start having contractions and begin labour. This is the most intense time. Some cats have no problem delivering others have major problems here so I cannot advis how she will go on.
Just be with her as she goes into labour.

