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2 month old cat pregnant?



I have a 2 month old cat that used to be energetic active and normal. But just week ago she turned upsidedown. She is getting fat and not eating well and is not anymore energetic. In addition, she threw up couple of days ago. I was wondering could my cat be pregnant???? Although she is not yet mature enough. Also, I don't let her out but she sneaked out twice for sometime without my knowledge.

Thank you and I really appreciate your help

I assume you meant to say your cat was 2 years old? There is always a chance she may be pregnant if she sneaked out and if she is fat from kittens then you will be able to see very large pink teats.

The other option is a very bad case of worms.  Another option could be wet FIP which would account or her getting a fat tummy and not being very lively etc.  I really think you need to take her to a vet to have her checked out, if only to put your mind at rest.  There could be a variety of causes for her condition.
