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Turkish Angora


I have a 6month old Turkish Angora male and I had a few questions. He's around two other altered males, a 1year old Siamese and a 15year old American short-hair cross, that have established dominance over him. When he matures, will he try to establish himself as the dominant one? Also, the girl that I picked out for him to mate seems more interested in the older boys. She's 5 months old, but will she grow out of it when she matures?

Hi Helen

Your older boys have been in your household first so established their place in the household before your Turkish arrived.  He is still a young boy so there is time for him to develop yet.  However when he is older his hormones will start to kick in and it is difficult to say how he will develop in that way.  Siamese can be quite a dominant breed but we don't have the American Shorthairs in the UK so I can't comment on their character.

When the girl is ready to be mated to your boy, have no fear, she will be very interested in him when the time comes.
