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cross breeding cats ..


QUESTION: hi i hope you can help me .. i have a female seal bicolor ragdoll (molly) she just turned 9 months and is pregnant im guessing around 6 weeks at this point .. im worried that she or her kittens wont make it because of her age. could you please offer any insight to help me to help her ?? also my male Murphy (pic attached ) im not sure what breed of cat he is.. i rescued him a year ago as a very small kitten but is a solid chocolate color do you have any ideas ? what could happen to the kittens since female is a ragdoll and male is ?? what will they look like ? i appreciate any advice you could give me .. thank you.. i will also try to send a picture of molly as well ..

ANSWER: Hi Tammy
She will be ok and as long as you take care of her the pregnancy will be normal.
Although young she is ok to be pregnant.
Not sure about Murphy
The kittens again could come out any colur. I am sorry I cannt offer any more advice
But genetics need to know more about both parents to give some clue as to offspring

Good luck with them


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi i had sent you a question about my ragdoll molly and thought i attached a pic of my male murphy so im trying to send again .. was hoping you could give me an idea of his breed since i rescued him (was left in my back yard)he was very small 6wks maybe anyways he is chocolate brown all over down to his whiskers.. i never saw a kitty like him before so i googled .. comes up havana brown (i sent his pic again) was concerned with the two breeds mixing if the kittens will be healthy and normal..

Hi Tammy
The cat is a Burmese, Havanna type cat,even with a picture the actual look of the cat cannot tell you precisey what breed it is.
As for kittens they will more than likely be short haired as the short hair gene is dominant.
The only cause for concern would be if both parent were related and they most probably are not.
So you will have a mix of colour but they should be healthy.
