Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > cat



QUESTION: my cat boe is pregnant and her belly is really hard!!

should i be conserned???

ANSWER: It may be that she has a lot of kittens in there.  How many weeks pregnant is she?  If you are concerned you really need to take her to see the vet to make sure everythig is normal.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: my cat boe is due on september 4th..

is there anything i should be worried about at this stage??

Hi Kasadee

As long as she seems happy then don't worry.  You should soon be able to see and feel the kittens moving from time to time.  She may start to look for somewhere to have her kittens anytime from now but don't worry if she doesn't, not all cats do.

Make sure she has her bed set up somewhere in the next week or two so she gets used to it and try to persuade her to use it now so that she associates that as her bed for the babies.
