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cat problem


I have a 5 month old kitten he's Siamese cat and stays in the house. yesterday he went outside for awhile and when he came in I gave him a bath with kitten shampoo and rinsed him  and used a blow dryer on cool to dry him , he still cleaned himself. Today he has the runs and he seams to be playful still drinks water and little food today. He's been fixed and has all his shots so far. What could it be and what can I do for him.  Thank you  Jackie

There are two possibilities in my estimation. Either he ate something outside that upset his stomach or he was upset emotionally from the combination of the two experiences. Outside and a bath would possibly have disturbed him to the point of diarrhea.

I would wait for 24 hours while continuing to observe him.
if the symptoms persist past this time or get any worse, take him to the vet.

If he has not been wormed, that is also a possiblity to consider.

Ask your vet for further information, if the diarrhea does not diminish shortly.
