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my persian cats health


hello doctor
at first ,thanks a lot for wonderful respond to my previous was such a  useful answer as i can't avoid asking other old questions of mine about cats!
i love my cats and i want them to live as much as possible, but i don't want to neutral fact i do know that making them neutral gives them the opportunity to live more but i have a kind of mentality that i feel that neutral cats are incomplete. i have always disliked to have those fat and boring so called spayed be honest i have always said that i prefer my cat to live less than a neutral one but at least live naturally and due to its instinct .BUT  from other hand i want to keep my cats healthy for ever.i want to have their company as much as possible.vets usually try to scare me and persuade me to spay my two Persian queens saying that your female cats may die soon because they give birth twice each year.
so simply my question is how can i keep my cats alive as much as possible without spaying them or some thing? i mean is there any main factor for this?what is your suggestion ? O doctor please help me.
thank you again

Hi Soheil
There is no requirement to spay your queens however let me put some information your way
As long as you keep the queens away from a Tom they will not have kittens, however they will continue to call every few weeks. So if you can live with the noise then that is OK for the first part...But
If the queen continues to call and is not eventually mated she may develop a pyometra and this could be disastrous for the cat. She could die and this is not what you want.
So consider the options, keep up the noise and take a chance she does not have a pyometra or have her spayed and she will no longer call and will remain healthy for a long time.
I know that you have thoughts about the entirety issue  but do give some thought about what could happen to the cat.
I would like to think you will do what is best for the cat

Good luck
