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my cats are breeding


hi, i have two cats. the female is 15 months and the male is about 4 yrs old. she has come into season and they are mating, which is fine as we wanted them to but i am worried that they are doing it all the time. should i seperate them for a while or are they ok? i don't want anything to happen to my female, he keeps pestering her and trying to mount her all the time. is this normal? thankyou

Hi Caroline
It is unusual for these two to be constantly mating. If she was successfully mated then she would scream at the male and force him away. The fact they are still mating may suggest that this has not been fully successful.
I would suggest that you now part them and keep them apart for about three weeks, I know this is a long time but this will allow you to monitor her and see if she is pregnant.
You can tell this by looking at her nipples at day 21. If she is pregnant then her nipples will be pink. If this is the case then I would suggest that you allow the pair back together but you get him a cat nappy to prevent him mounting her
