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cat in heat???


Hello Marcia,  I believe I asked you another question. We have a cat is now just barely a year old. She had full term kittens 3 weeks ago that died at birth. She is now acting odd. She is going around the house with her front legs and chest on the floor with her rump in the air. She scoots along like that most all day. I think she is in heat again because she just had kittens and they died. I told the family NOT to let her outside but they did anyway. The same male next door is hanging around. My wife insisted she can't go into heat that soon after giving birth. I told her that YES THE CAT CAN and is sure to get pregnant easy at that time. The cat IS in heat is she not?

HI Wayne

Indeed the cat is in season again without question.  Cats can and do come into season in that time scale even when they are nursing kittens so it is something you should always be aware of.  I think you had better keep an eye on your girl and see if 3 weeks from now her teats become enlarged and very pink.  Is so then she is pregnant again.
