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Is my cat in heat



i have a one year old persian female cat and i think she is in heat right now, but i am not sure; she never cries loudly or spray, and i never noticed any unusual behaviours like rubbing her body against my leg or any "cat heat" symptoms. Its just that while i was grooming her yesterday she suddenly lied her front body down while raising her bottom area, tail sideways,  moving her rear legs back and forth, and in the same time meowing and looking at me. I also noticed her doing this again today.
Do you think my cat is in heat?


Hi Moe

Yes indeed it sounds very much that your cat is now in heat.  These are the classic signs.  Not all cats cry loudly - in fact I have a Birman x Persian and she just squeeks, but does all the other actions that you are describing now. If you intend to breed her, she is absolutely ready now.
