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Urgent help


I am desperately seeking help. My cat fifi went into labour 6:30 pm yesterday and have birth to a very underdeveloped kitten. It was smaller than my thumb and pink (looked like a baby mouse) when delivering the placentre she gave a big gush of blood when it came out. It is now 9:45am and no more contractions(she didnt have anymore after the first kitten) but it feels like she has bigger ones in there. Could she still be pregnant.

So sorry not to have come back to you yet but I have been out of the house all day.

I do hope by now something has happened and all is well.  However, my question would have been, has she gone full term, i.e. around 65 days.  If so then there may be more kittens in there and this is one that just didn't develop. She may still have more kittens in there and it is not unusual for a cat to go some hours or even 2/3 days between having one kitten and the rest.

If she is well and settled in herself and you can feel the remaining kittens moving then try to be a little patient and see how things go.

However if she is restless or you can't feel any movement then I would suggest you ring the vet and get her looked at sooner rather than later.

Do let me know how you get on.
