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kittens born 1 week apart same mother.


i took in a rescue 9 weeks ago, ten days ago i realise she was pregnant she had her kittens 3 days later early hours last monday, then last night she was nowhere to be found, when i did find her she was in my daughters bedroom delivering more kittens, i did nt know they could have kittens a week apart is this normal? she has now taken all the kittens from the box she had them in a week ago and taken them up stairs to the new ones, should i leave them there or move them back down to where they were? thankyou regards vicky.

Hi Victoria

It is very unusual for a cat to have kittens a week apart and I am a little baffled as to how this can happen.

However, really the thrust of your question seems to be whether you should move them back to the original place of the first birth.  

If the girl is moving them it may be that she feels they should be where they all are now.  You could try moving them back to the original site if you feel they would be better off there but I cannot guarantee that she will not move them back upstairs again.  The important thing is that she has them all together and that she is not stressed, so sometimes you just have to go with what the Mum wants.

Good luck with the kittens and I'm sure you will have lots of fun ahead.
