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raggdoll pregnancy


My Ragdoll  has escaped while answering a door , she was calling but is no longer. I am afraid this means she has been caught. My vet does not issue any after a mate  drugs . She is 8 months . What can i do.

Dear Marie

You don't say how long she was out and how long after she returned that she stopped calling.  Do you have any male cats in the neighbourhood that may be entire?  

If she is 8 months old then it is not ideal if she has a litter but not too disasterous either as they are quite a large breed.  I'm afraid that if she has mated and is pregnant there is not a lot more you can do other than try another vet in the area that might be able to give you the 'morning after' pill for her.  However you will have to be quite quick about this if she has only just been mated.

Otherwise you will need to wait for approximately 21 days to see if she is pregnant.  If she is pregnant then obviously the kittens will be cross breeds but I am sure you will find  them lovely homes.

