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Ragdoll breeding difficulties


Hi Ray, I have been a Ragdoll breeder for 7 years, I run across this and always get different answers, but how long between kittens is normal and when should I assist?
How can I assist, I have a ragdoll that had 2 kittens and 6 hours later still has ocasional contractions but does not seem to be exausted and still comfortabley purring while she is nursing, Is it normal to still have contractions when you have delivered all your kittens? Can I take a glove and k-y and try to stimulate her to get something moving? Please advise very soon, thanks

Has she delivered both placentas? The fact that she is purring indicates contentment, but contractions indicate more to come. I suggest the glove and ky to stimulate further movement. Is there a mass still inside, you should be able to determine this with a gentle feel around the lower abdomen.
It is not unknown for a delivery to take place over on or two days but not much longer.
If this continues beyond day three I would suggest a quick trip to the vets for a quick jab to force contractions