Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > baby kitten

baby kitten


my cat just had a baby kitten and i was wondering do i have to take it to the vet so it can get a check up? i never went to one and im wondering if i have to pay alot of money for the check-up?

The cost of a vet check up varies greatly from city to city and even from vet to vet.
The kitten should go to the vet when it is 9 weeks old for its vaccinations. Then three weeks later for the booster. This is important to safeguard it's health. There is no need to take it before that unless it has a particular problem, as the mother's milk makes it immune until it is weaned.
Call around to all the local vets and ask the cost of a check up and a vaccination for a kitten and go to the one that appeals to you most.
Good luck,