Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > Mother Cat

Mother Cat


Hi, I have a  Mother Cat named Mao-Mao, and it had 4 babies about 4 month ago, now the kittens are all grown up. When ever one of Mao-Mao's Daughters/sons come up to Her, Mao-Mao would always attack them, Not as in play fighting. And Mao-Mao would always hiss at them whenever she sees them, Can you tell me why?


She sees them as grownups.  They should be out on their own not hanging around bothering her. She is finished with them and does not wish to be bothered with them any further. This is nature's way of making these kittens go out on their own and make their own way. If they stay much longer, she will begin to accept them as adult friends, they are no longer her babies.
