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problem breeding sphynx


I have imported a breeding pair of Sphynx they are both over two years old. The male is a proven breeder. My problem is when he is trying to mate this particular girl he doesn't seem to be able to get his penis the whole way in. I am going to take her to the reproduction specialist but at the moment he is on holidays. My male has successfully mated my other female Sphynx. Have you ever seen anything like this before??
Joanne (Aust)

Hi Joanne

I have to say its not something I've come across before, so I admit to having to guess.  Is it perhaps that the girl is a particularly longer girl than his previous mates?  It could be that he is holding her to high up and not leaving himself enough scope to reach back sufficiently.  Have you compared the size of this girl to his previous successes?

Has the girl had kittens before?  Could there be something wrong anatomically?

I would be interested to know what the specialist has to say in this case.

I wish I could give you a definite answer.
