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after mating


Hi.  About 6 months ago I opened my back door to find 3 kittens.  I couldn't let them inside but decided to build a house outside for them and feed them regularly.  Last night one of them went into heat and was mounted by a stray on the street.  After the "duty" was done they ran off.  Now she won't come back (keeps hiding) and there's many new males around.  Is this normal and how do I get her back and rid of the strays?


Hi Mike
She will be 'on heat' for a day or so more
Did you see the stray actually mount her?
What gender are the other two, could they be females as well?
Once she has calmed down she will return.
What you need to do is watch and wait for her return
Also once she has had the kittens you should try to contain all three and take then down to the vets and have them neutered or spayed
This is the responsible thing to do if you can contain them and of course if you can afford to have them neutered
Some American states run a campaign of capture spay and return so you could enquire if you live in the US if that happens where you live