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Is my cat preganet?


hey, I have a feeling if my cat is pregnant. I'm not really sure is she is or isn't.  She is about 7 months. She has been acting different lately. She is meowing and whining and trying to get my attention allot lately. She has also became very lazy. Her nipples seem pinker but they aren't swollen up. She doesn't like being ignored now a days. She is always following me and meowing. She seems very round in her belly. Especially her lower belly. Shes been eating allot lately. So is my cat pregnant?

It is a possibility though teats do become noticeably bigger when theyare pregnant.

However I must say that 7 months is very young to be having kittens and you will need to be very vigilant and be with her when she has them as there may be complications such as trouble having them, which will need the services of a vet, or she may be too young to know what to do with them and may reject them, or may even not produce milk to feed them.

My advice is that if she turns out not to be pregnant then keep her away from any boys until she is a year old which is the right time to think about getting her pregnant.  If you don't intend to have kittens then get her neutered as soon as possible.
