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Polydactyl cats


Hello I first asked this question to Marcia and she said to ask you instead

if a normal toed cat and a cat with one extra toe on all 4 feet mate, what are the odds of the kittens having an extra toe?

I guess a punnett square would show how to determine but I'm not sure how polydactyl works?


Polydactyly is a dominant gene, that means if one cat is Homozygous for the gene all offspring will have the gene. If both cats are homozygous then all offspring will have the gene, this is the Pixiebob phenomina.
However if one cat is Heterozygous for the gene then 50% may have the gene and  50%% would be non carriers. If both cats are Heterozygous then the punnett square formula applies here, 25 % are homozygous, 50% are hetergyzous and 25% are completely free of the gene.

I hope that helps
