Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > mating time

mating time


QUESTION: i have a male that is 7 months old and a female that 6 months old. today i have notice my male kitten wanting to mate with my female. i have had no signs of this before and it doesn't seem like my female kitten want to be involved in such an is my fault that they are not fixed at the moment. i have call vets today to set up an appt. but for right now i am concerned that she will get pregnant. and we cant have that happen. can she even if she isn't in heat? and how can i stop this action?

ANSWER: Hi Melanie

It is unlikely that your girl will get pregnant without having a heat and probably your boy is just playing. However, if you have no intention of breeding then yes call your vet today to make that appoiment to get them fixed.  They are at the right age now so no point in waiting.  Even if your girl was in heat and he had mated her, if your get them fixed in the next week or so, nothing bad will happen.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so if the female is not in heat and the male does his thing to her then there is a chance she still would not get pregnant?

I would have said not.  The other thing perhaps to consider - is she having a silent heat.  When he adopts the position does her back end come up to meet him and does she 'tread' with her hind legs?  If she doesn't do these things then she is not in heat so I don't think you have anything to worry about.
