Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > can i crossbreed pure american shorthair n red marble bengal?

can i crossbreed pure american shorthair n red marble bengal?


hello there,
i recently had male silver marble american shorthair. and planning to buy another female cat. and i been interested with red marble bengal or silver marble bengal.

my question is, can i cross-breed the american shorthair with bengal, if i matted it with red marble bengal what is the color i may get for the kittens?

Well of course you can mate any two cats together but unless it is an approved mating by a registering body, the kittens will just be crossbreeds and you will not be able to sell them as any particular breed.

You will note from my profile that I am not a genetics person so don't feel qualified to answer the question regarding colours.  However I am not aware of a Red colour in the Bengal and I have never seem a Marbled Silver so not sure it comes in a Marbled pattern.  Of course I am in the UK so it may be that it is being developed in the USA.

The development of new breeds is very specialist and needs to be undertaken by an experienced breeder of a particular breed who has a good solid genetic knowledge.
