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Pregnant Queen problem. How worried should I be?


QUESTION: My 22 month old cat mated April 2, 2010 (about 5 weeks ago).
This would be her 1st and only litter.
Everything so far has appeared normal, and she is behaving normally (not distressed at all) even now... although earlier this evening she began emitting a pink mucus.
I'm pretty sure the pinkish color is due to the presence of blood?
She emitted just enough to soil 2 little squares of toilet paper. No more discharge since I wiped that bit up earlier.
I would REALLY appreciate your help in this matter...should I wait and just keep watching her closely? Could this already be or when could this problem become an emergency? Is this possibly normal and benign?

ANSWER: Dear Amanada

Whilst it is not rare for this to happen I am sure you will be aware that it is not normal either.  There is probably very little that a vet can do to help except prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics in case there is a low grade infection or in case one of the kittens has died.  If he does, these should ideally be for the rest of the duration of the pregnancy.  Safe antibiotics are something like Synulox, Clavaseptin or Noroclav (depending on what your vet uses).

Your vet may suggest scanning her to see if there are any live kittens.  In cases I have known of this happening, which I have to say have been a little later in the pregnancy, the cat has gone on to have a normal healthy litter, so all may not be lost.

My advice at this stage is to wait and see if there are any more occurrences before rushing her off to the vet.  They may be isolated, in which case I would do nothing at this time.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your last response!
After I had sent My question last night, the discharge began again.
This time it was not mucus-like, it was watery.
She lost a small watery/bloody puddle...maybe an ounce of fluid or so.  She's continued to discharge reddish/pinkish water intermittently,  amounts just enough to dampen her hind spot a little. So this has been an on/off issue for 24 hours now.
She does NOT behave as though she's distressed at all, tired, or in any kind of discomfort. She has being especially clingy to me today however, following me around constantly and meowing for attention/affection.
I called a vet tech and she said perhaps I should recalculate her mating date because it sounds like the beginning of a normal labor, although I'm sure I've made no mistakes and this isn't the case. She mated April 2, and her nipples pinked about 8-14 days ago.
The discharge does not have any odor nor have any unusual color other than pink/red typical of an infection. I've been hesitating to take her temperature because although I know it should normally be 101.5 I wouldn't know how to interpret a variation.
I have written down the antibiotic names you listed and I'm sure I would have little problem obtaining them.  
I really appreciate your advise!

Hi Amanda

As you were so precise with your dates I would not think that you have miscalculated and especially as she has only recently pinked up.

It may be that she loses this litter but there is no reason why she should not go on to have a normal pregnancy and litter later on.

Good luck with your girl.
