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first litter


Hi thanks for your time, my little baby girl (1 year old) is going to have babies. Today is the first day that I felt the babies move, I'm sure that they have been moving for a few days now. Not to sure when she got peg. but how long after from movement will the babies get here? We have the father (did not get them fixed before this happened) and two sr. females 4 cats totally. Is there anything that we should watch for with the other cats. Are one older female believe this or not has started to produce milk, is this normal (she is the mothering type) and has never had a litter herself, she was fixed at 11 months old and is now 6 years old. But any how when should babies get here, I have been watching her habits and it seems she is somewhat starting to nest, making a whelping place. When does this start at. It has been a very long time for little ones and I have forgotten allot about whelping. Any thoughts would greatly welcomed.

thank you
Rob and Jen

I will write more on Monday, I am going away for the weekend to a cat show.
But in all reality, it will probaby be two or three weeks before her kittens arrive. They are moving around at about 6 to 7 weeks gestation and the total is 63-65 days total.

The kittens will probably be fine where she puts them. However, if you wish her to have them in a particular place, introduce it to her now. Also make sure that it is a dim space where she has privacy to raise them with no interference. Cats like privacy when raising babies. But if they are affectionate with you, then they also want you to be with them at that time.
I have had older females produce milk with no pregnancy too. It is not ordinary but quite OK.

If you need to talk to someone about this pregnancy, you may write to me and I will send you my phone number to call and chat.
