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cat in labor?


ok i have a siemese seal point she is pregnant with her 2nd litter the first time went by real fast she started leaking from her nipples a few days before she gave birth and the birthing part was fast as well her water broke and within 2 hours we had 3 beautiful kittens.  However this time she has found a couple of potential spots to have her kittens and has just been laying around no leaking from her nipple and not too much from her vagina but I'm not real sure about that either because she is constantly licking herself...she has slept alot more these past few days and i took her temp. last night and it was 99.8 but that was around 8:30 and it is now almost 5:00 where i am and still nothing.  She is still eating but not too much and she is coming out of her hiding spots today and walking around a little, sitting in the window seal.  we are not sure exactly when she got pregnant but it should have been around the 2nd or 3rd week in January.  Any tips on when she might go into labor or is she already?

Each pregnancy and labor are different. It does not sound to me like she is labor yet, but probably soon. A cat's normal temperature is usually about 101.5 or approximately.

It sounds to me like she has a way to go yet. I usually notice that the ears and nose are very warm when they start contractions. The breast do not usually leak, but that is an individual circumstance.
Just watch her carefully for the next few days and set up a nice box for her birthing in a dim place and show it to her.
If she does not deliver in a reasonable amount of time, take her to the vet to check. But in all likelihood she will have the kittens fine in her own good time. Just relax.
