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I have a 4 month old long haird orange tabby named Dewey. I have a 6 year old  Ragdoll named Malia.

I was just wondering if un-fixed male kittens will try to "breed" with people and toys, just like puppies will. I haven't noticed anything like that, but I would hate for him to try and do that with Malia (malia is spayed), because i know that would really annoy her.

thank you,


HI Maria

It is extremely unlikely that Dewey will show an interest in Malia as it is the hormones that would start him off but as Malia is spayed this will not happen.

I haven't known cats mate other things like dogs do so you should be OK.  The only thing to remember is that as Dewey grows up he may start spraying urine around the place as a way of marking his territory so I would suggest that he is neutered (altered) by the age of 6 months to avoid that happening, as it can sometimes be difficult to stop them even when they have been neutered afterwafrds.

