Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > Inbreeding



Dear Dr Ray
I just noticed in your expertise that  you can tell cat owner  "Also when to inbreed and when not to inbreed" . I was just wondering , can inbreeding even be recommended in pedigree-cats ? I mean , I have always though that inbreeding under any kinda circumstances is something bad , simply because it leads to not very healthy kitten . this sentence of you made me doubt though . can inbreeding be recommended ever ?

Hi Soheil

Inbreeding can be the only thing left if you want to do several things genetically with the breed.
Let me give you an example. Say you have a breed that has a major genetic defect and you wish to remove it from the breed. You know that there is only one male that does not carry that defect in the breed so it may well be prudent to have a breeding programme including this one male only. You would need to check every kitten produced and ensure that it was fit and healthy before including it in a further breedong programme.

Or It could be that the breed is numerically small having only one strong healthy male and several females so it would be necessary then to inbreed to produce more young. Again every kitten would need to be thoroughly checked for health and vitality.

You really need to understand genetics in great detail to appreciate when to and when not to inbreed.
I hope this makes sense but if you want to know more then do get back to me
