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First time siamese breeder!


Hi I have a siamese kitten that is 5 months planning to breed her when she turns a year old or lil bit older.My question is what do I do when she finally goes in heat?should I put her in a cage until her heat ends?But I read that cats in heat will keep going in  heat until they mate!I also read that some breeders use a neutred male to mate with the female..this will cause her to ovulate and then she won't get pregnant.Is this safe to do?oh also what do I do when I finally want to breed her?thanks!!

Ps.I will only breed her once after she has her kittens I will spay her and her kittens!(she is a beautiful cat I just would like to see her offspring!!)

It is not easy to tell with a Siamese as to when she will start calling so you need to be vigilant.  If there is a chance that she could come into contact with an entire male, then you need to confine her in some way but I would think a room would be better than a cage.

It is unlikely that a 'neutered' male will mate with her to put her off but he will go through the motions.  It is vasectomised males that some breeders use.  The only problem with that through is that there is a chance of pyometra happening, which is a uterine infection and a lot of cats end up being neutered when this happens.

When it comes to finally breeding her, you should find yourself a stud owner that is prepared to mentor you and be there to answer your questions.
