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which breed is my kitten


I recently bought a 2 months old female kitten! I was told by the seller that its a pure perian breed, but some of my friends have been telling me its NOT a pure persian breed!
How can I know if my kitten is a full persian breed or not?
Is there a way I can send you photos of my kitten so that you can help me out??
thanks in advance

Hi Moe

Really the only sure way of knowing if you have a pure pedigree Persian is to have a pedigree and its only the breeder that can do that.  However in view of the fact that they sold you the kitten at only 2 months old I would doubt it is pedigree as any reputable breeder will keep their kittens until they are at least 13 weeks old and they would then leave home fully vaccinated too.

I am happy to have a look at your pictures if you send them to but as I am in the UK, it will now be morning before I reply to you.

