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The breed off my year and half old cat


As this is the site for asking this I'll go right ahead.

My cat is a very beautiful long haired cat with bronze highlights, mixed with
Grey and black fur. She has a fluffy tail and is regularly very proud. I will
include a link below.

Now we are arguing if she is a Maine Coon, Siberian, or Norwegian Forest cat.
she matches all these breeds.

If anyone has an answer, I'd be much obliged.

(Links to her picture:   )"

She looks basically like a Maine Coon, but if she is a stray then you can not be sure. The reason that she is probably a Maine Coon, is that the other breeds that you mentioned, are very rare in this country and it is most unlikely that she can be one of them.  She is a Brown Patched tabby for color and looks to be a pretty cat. Enjoy her.
