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Spaying a cat


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Question -
My cat bubbles gave birth to 5 kittens today. I want to get her spayed. When should i get her spayed or how long should i wait! Debbie.
Answer -
Dear Debbie,
You must wait until she has weaned her kittens. She must nurse them for at least 7 or 8 weeks. In the meantime, call the vet and make an appointment to get her neutered and tell him that she is nursing. Ask the vet's advice as to when it should be done.
DO NOT LET HER OUTSIDE! Keep her with the babies until then.
Good luck!

Barb                    To Barb, Shes is a outside cat will she be in heat

Does she have the kittens outside? If so, wean them at 6 weeks and take her to be spayed. Then make sure you give them lots of kitten food!!
Outside cats are prone to a lot of dangers, including diseases spread by other outside cats. After she is spayed try to keep her inside.
