Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > mating a birman male with a domestic black longhaired girl

mating a birman male with a domestic black longhaired girl


Hi,  I have a beautiful blue point whole birman boy who is being used in a breeding programme with a friend who owns three queens.  My question to you is he absolutely loves my little longhaired black cat and I have purposely not had her fixed so she could have a litter, but is this dangerous genetically and what colours do you think we would get.  I have pet homes already for any of the kittens, but just wanted to know is I was being responsible doing this?

Dear Sue

Genetically no it would not be dangerous but I would only suggest it is OK to do it providing you have guaranteed pet homes lined up as there are a lot of crossbreed kittens already in shelters.  

As to what colours you will get, as we do not know the 'pedigree' of your girl, it is a bit of guesswork.  I would however suspect you will get something like blacks, greys and some solid or some with white.
