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pregnant kitten


i have a kitten around 4 and a half months, never been on heat, and an indoor cat, whilst from kitten to 3 months was around a 8 month tom cat.. i now think she is pregnant, her tummy is round and firm, but touchin her it feels hard. her nipplees seem more pink and out.. is she pregnant or just eating to much as she loves food.please help im really worried

Whilst not impossible, it would be very unusual for a 4.5 month old kitten to be pregnant as it is doubtful that she woud ever have had a heat.  However I am not sure if you mean the kitten is 4.5 months old or you have had her 4.5 months in which case then yes it would be possible.

I would suggest that you get a vet to look at your kitten as it is difficult to diagnose pregnancy via the web.  This could be a case of worms or indeed other conditions.  If she was pregnant her tummy should not be hard so do get her checked out.

