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Cat pregnancy


Hello again!

My name is Rana, I asked you a question about 3 weeks ago regarding on how to breed my female turkish angora. I just had some follow up questions on how to know if she's pregnant or not. It's been 3 full weeks since she has done the deed so to speak, and she has not entered heat, she has however been raising her hind quarters and moving her tail aside whenever we pet her back, but still no calling like she did before. It's hard to see if she's pregnant from her teats because she has long fur and pink skin as it is. (plus she doesn't like it when her belly is rubbed or touched). She's been lazier than normal these past couple weeks and like I said showing signs of heat without the calling, or the frustration (she usually whines, it's quite humorous at times). Does this mean she's not pregnant or is this behavior normal even with pregnancy? Thank you for your time!

HI Rana

It may be a bit difficult to tell at the moment if she doesn't like her belly being touched.  You could try standing her and then having a feel under her belly to see if you can feel larger nipples.  It can sometimes be between 3 and 4 weeks before the teats change colour and become slightly larger so there is still time.  

Some cats do manage to fool the breeder as they can sometimes have a breakthrough call any time up to 5 weeks and as I said many breeders have been fooled into thinking that they are in season again.  Is she 'treading' with her back feet.  If she isn't then sit tight and wait, she could still be pregnant.  These cats certainly like to keep us guessing.