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Want to get a kitten


Thanks for getting back to me so qucikyl, I understand what you mean the same thing goes when yuor buying a dog genraly the cheaper it is the more prolbmes you'll have alter on because of bad breeding. I am also going to look in a persain of any type, maybe you can reccomend a breed to me? I am looking for an affection breed that isnt too independant and likes to cuddle when theres time, one thats of avrage intellagence, coat type doesnt matter I don't mind groomnig the cat, I also would like a breed that isnt too loud that doesnt "speak" too offen, I'd like a purebred but if I cant find one at that tiem I will look into crosses with the breeds I mentioned I will be sure that the breeder isnt practicly giving them away adn be sure to ask if the litter was perpose or accidently and such, anyways please let me know if you can reccomend a breed or two or three! thanks again ~Tara

Followup To
Question -
Hi, I am wanting to get a kitten later this year around october/november so I've got a while to get to know everything before hand and also to get everything he needs before hand. I am going to try get a purebred kitten with first vaccines/deworming that is well socilized and from a good breeder, I am looking into either a ragdoll, a himalayin or simese I am looking for one that if brought up properly will be ok with an occassinal cuddling. I will be getting a male... does he need to be neutered? will he spray if hes not? also I was wondering since the cat will be mine will he sleep in my bed as a dog would? as I don't want to have him bothering my family during the night as he will be soley my responseblity not theres. If you can help me please get back to me asap, thanks ~Tara
Answer -
There are two very important things to consider when buying a purebred kitten. What breed you buy depends on the personality that you desire. Second, the breeder that you buy from is also a most important thing. The temperamet of a Siamese is active, affectionate and playful, the Himalayan is much more docile and less active but also lovable, the Ragdoll is more like the Himmie but is more intelligent. Most sweet cats will be delighted to sleep in your bed.
No matter what breed you buy, research the breeders. Ask around and check with many breeders. Do not buy a cheap cat. The breeders that love and respect their breed, do nt sell them cheap. Do not look in the local paper for bargains, unless you can go and look at the home and the kittens. DO NOT buy from a pet store. These stores buy their stock from kitten mills and they are often poorly bred with bad health and bad temperament. Even if they look OK, their bad breeding will show up later.
You must expect to pay at least $500.00 for any decent  quality pet and this is cheap. All good breeders will keep their kittens until they have all their shots or at least three months of age.
Good luck!


If you want more help, you can email me at my regular email address,
Do not buy a Siamese if you want a cat that does not make too much noise. They are VERY noisy. Do not buy a mixed breed as they are rarely bred by quality breeders and  rarely have the qualities of the breed that they look like.
Look for a smart, clean, helpful breeder and buy a kitten from them. The quality of the breed is not as important as the quality of the breeder.
I breed the Turkish Angora and they cost about $700 for pets.  They are sweet, loving and playful with silky coats that hang down  instead of fluffing out.
I know a number of breeders who breed all kinds of breeds.
Let me know where you are located and perhaps I can send you to a local quality breeder.

Stay away from Siamese and mixes of Siamese or Orientals as they are very noisy. Ragdolls can be sweet and playful but are usually quite expensive and so are most really good healthy purebred pets. By the way, how old are you?

Let me hear from you privately and I will try to assist you further.
