Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > How to Breed Cats?

How to Breed Cats?


Hi Marcia,

Maddie and I want to breed cats and we don't know how to. How do you do it?
Thank you,
Isabella Woodsten
Maddie McKara

Well, first you need to decide what sort of breed you want and I would suggest that you visit a cat show and talk to breeders to see if their breed suits your lifestyle.  Once you have decided on that, you need to find a breeder who has a good reputation in the breed and is willing to let you have a girl to start with.  

Once you have found that breeder she will become your mentor and should help to guide you along the right path.  You would be best advised to join a cat club where you will also find a wealth of knowledge from other members.  

You can find a list of shows at the sites below

I will be happy to answer further questions on breeding when you have found your cat to breed from as your mentor will be able to answer most things and I can be your standby.
