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Cat grooming


I have a 3 year old female Persian who has hated being groomed since she was a kitten. I have tried distracting her and I groomed her frequently when she was a kitten.

I'm not sure if its relevant but she has very ticklish paws and her mother and father were mother and son.

I would love to groom her without causing so much stress to both of us. I have 2 other Persians and haven't had any problems with them. I would be really grateful for any ideas.

Thank you for your time

Hi Charlotte
This is difficult a you say she has always hated being groomed. I would suggest making a game of this playing with her and the brush to see if she hates the brush you use. If she does change it
Try a softer tooted brush
You could also consider dry shampoos which may help separate the hair atrands and make brushing easier
