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problem breeding


QUESTION: I took my Ragdoll female to a breeder and had her bred over the course of a week.  We were finally able to ascertain that she is not pregnant and in the meantime she dealt with a lot of diarrhea for the first 4 weeks after returning home. We finally got that under control after several different meds and changing her to Science Diet I.D. (intestinal diet).  Her coat is healthier and she has gained some weight since getting over the diarrhea(was pretty thin even before her illness but the vet had told me it was an appropriate weight for her so I hadn't questioned it).  Two weeks ago (6 weeks to the day when she first began her last heat cycle)she had a couple of days that looked like she was going into heat but then it dissipated.  Today she is showing the beginning signs again.  Not sure if it will go into a full cycle or not.  Is this common behavior for a cat who has been bred but not gotten pregnant?  Is this a result of her health problems for so long?  When should we try to breed again?  Thanks, Sheila

ANSWER: Hi Sheila

Queens can come into oestrus, 'heat' every four to six weeks if not mated. This cycle will continue during their fertile life. So your female is just back into this cycle.

The cycle has also been slightly upset by the use of medications to control her IBD problem. She will come back into normal cycle within the next four weeks as her digestive system settles down.

I would also suggest some direct action on your part with regard to taking her to a Tom. Make sure the next mating is always accompanied and monitored. Also ensure the queen has her own food supply and litter tray in separate quarters

This should reduce any chance of possible Corona Virus infection.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well my last question was back in summer '08.  Now 6 months later we still have no kittens. Twice since the breeding in May she has gone the full 6 weeks between heats so we're assuming that at least during those heats our own male was successful in mating, but she's still not getting pregnant. Had her annual shots Monday and both vets felt her and said she felt full (for a non-pregnant cat), but was obviously not pregnant since her last heat was 6 weeks ago and she had no other signs. Could the fullness mean she has a growth or something else that is preventing her from conceiving?  Or is it more likely that our 21 month old male is not yet virile?  Thanks, Sheila

ANSWER: Hi Sheila
I would suggest your vet palpate her and try to determine what the mass is inside her. It may also be prudent to have them carry out an xray and that would certainly reveal any abnormalities.
I cannot say what the cause of her failure to get pregnant is. Let me guide you here with some views
Lets say the mass is restricting her abdomen and not allowing any foetal development taking place. Conclusion your male could be virile but the mass is stopping normal pregnancy.
Of course the mass could still be the cause of displacment but your male may not be virile.
Can the male be used on another queen to determine his virility?
Insist both vets palpate her and have an xray of her. It would not harm any fetus. If you feel that is not an option then have a scan. This will also show the size and disposition of any mass present.
It would then be up to you all to decide the way forward
If you want further advice my email is


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Ray, just a few more tidbits of info if it will help. Our queen started her heats at 8 months old and for the first 11 months (while our young male was too young to know what he was doing and before we finally took her to a breeder to be bred by a proven tom)she always cycled 1 week in heat-1 week off. My vet said that was unusual and was not good for her. Could that have a bearing on what the mass is? Can cats have endometriosis? Also, last fall she bred with our male and, for a week after, was quite listless. I was hoping it was just because she was pregnant. Turned out she had a weepy vaginal infection which they treated with anti-biotics.  Just more food for thought. Any further ideas before we get her x-rayed?  We could check out our tom with one of our breeder friend's females but wouldn't be able to for 4-5 more months. Thanks so much, Sheila

Hi Sheila

I think the infection has had some bearing on your poor little queen. Goodness she is going through the wars just now. Cuddles first OK, then down to the nitty gritty.

You must arrange to have her xrayed as soon as possible. This mass may just be somthing like ascites or even a feline version of endometriosis.
I would suggest a call first thing Monday to your vets and ask them to book her in for a scan.
I would not bother with your boy for a while until you know the results of this.
Take care and good luck
Fingers crossed on this one OK
